
The therapeutic and training institute Antistixi was founded by Dimitrios and Eleni Karagianni, both child-psychiatrists and psychotherapists, where experienced and capable associates, mental health specialists, work.

With genuine respect towards the uniqueness of the human person and his personal history, Antistixi does not only target on dealing with the dysfunction, but also on bringing into surface the wealth, strength and health existing in every living being.

Psychotherapy in Antistixi is addressed at families, couples and individuals and provides them with the possibility of choosing the best suitable treatment.

The therapeutic intervention approaches the existential issues of the human existence, highlighting the significance of taking personal responsibility and forming functional relationships.

Training in Antistixi is appropriate for graduates professionals, mental health specialists (psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers) who want to be trained in Existential Systemic Psychotherapy. The trainees go through a therapeutic and training process, which enables the development of both their personal and professional identity.

Antistixi is an accredited training member in systemic psychotherapy, certified by European Family Therapy Association (EFTA) and is associated with the Greek Systemic Therapy Association (ELESYTH) and Greek Systemic Thought and Family Therapy Association (EESKEPSO) and the Greek National Psychotherapy Association.

Scientific Articles

“Hidden Spiritual Beauty” – 5th edition

"The authentic self is the processed self. The one who has seen his darkness, but is not defined by it. He has not ended the confrontation with the dark self, but aims not only not to identify with it, but also to ...
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