Articles posted by Antistixi
The IDEA Extractor & Armos Publications invite you to a talk by psychiatrist - psychotherapist Dimitris Karagiannis entitled: "Man changes?"! on the occasion of the publication of his book of the same name.
The Ginhouse of IDEAS & Armos Publications invite you to the talk of psychiatrist – psychotherapist Dimitris Karagiannis entitled: “Does Man Change?” .
On Saturday November 16th at 7pm at the Ginhouse of IDEAS, 67 Thessaloniki Ave., Veria.
Free entrance
In Lamia, Dimitris Karagiannis discusses with the Systemic Therapists Iotas Nikos & Violintzis Angeliki, as well as with the public about his book "Is Man Changing?"
In Lamia, Dimitris Karagiannis discusses his book “Does man change?” with Systemic Therapists Giota Nikos & Violinzti Angeliki, as well as with the public
Armos Publications invites you to the presentation of Rollo May's book: "Power & Innocence"! Looking for the Sources of Violence. (translation by Evangelia Andritsanou).
On Friday, November 8, 2019 at 7:30 p.m. in the "Speech Hall" of the Book Lodge (Pesmazoglou 5 & Stadiou, Arsakeio Megaro). The following will speak about the book: - Yiannis Zervas, Professor of Psychiatry, EKPA - Dimitris Karagiannis, Psychiatrist - Psychotherapist - Panagiotis Kalamaras, Publisher - Yiannis Panousis, Emeritus Professor of Criminology FREE ENTRY
Armos Publications invites you to the presentation of Rollo May's book: “Power and Innocence”! A Search for the Sources of Violence. (translation by Evangelia Andritsanou). On Friday, November 8, 2019 at 19:30 in the “Speech Room” of the Stoa Bibliou (Pesmazoglou 5 & Stadiou, Arsakeio Hall). Speakers: – Giannis Zervas, Professor of Psychiatry, NCSR – Dimitris Karagiannis, Psychiatrist – Psychotherapist – Panagiotis Kalamaras, Publisher – Giannis Panousis, Emeritus Professor of Criminology Free entrance

Speech by psychiatrist - psychotherapist Dimitris Karagiannis
Euripides Bookstores and Armos Publications invite you to a talk by psychiatrist-psychotherapist Dimitris Karagiannis entitled: "Man changes?"! on the occasion of the publication of his book of the same name, on Friday, September 27, 2019 at 19:00 at the Evripides bookstore in Kifisia, Kifisias 310, Kifisia, tel. 2108075792
It will be followed by a discussion of the author with the audience.
In the context of lifelong learning where new trainees and experienced psychotherapists meet in interaction and sharing of experience and life, theory met clinical practice on the challenging topic of narcissism that arises with the image focus of our postmodern era.

Public Book Awards 2019

"Man changes" was declared in the initial voting among the 10 most popular Books, in the category "Greek non-fiction" for the Public Awards 2019!
The second voting for the selection of the First Book has begun!
You can vote here!
7/3/2019 Dimitris Karagiannis will speak in the First Program

Tonight, 7/3/2019, Dimitris Karagiannis will speak on the First Program on 91.6 and 105.8, on the show "On the Divan of Crisis" at 11:00 p.m. The show will be accompanied by a selection of his own songs.
Dimitris Karagiannis Patients with cancer: Existential dilemmas in the face of the threat of the disease.

Charalambos Nikopoulos
The collective fantasy of lasting and carefree happiness leads people to be unprepared for the onset of a serious illness such as cancer
Psychiatrist - psychotherapist and notable author Dimitris Karagiannis answers questions of life and death, standing boldly, courageously and honestly in front of the threat of the disease, and showing us deeply philosophical ways to approach the issue.
(more…)Dimitris Karagiannis: Does Man Change?

"Yes man changes!"
How much pain and equivalent courage is needed to say I will change? Is hope a blessing after all? How many dead ends do you have to be in to seek change? How many times have you not said "today I change" and you remain the same or almost the same? How many failed attempts and how many failures can one endure? How many times will you say "let's start all over again"? And all the stations of your life? Are they deleted that easily? (more…)