The psychiatrist-psychotherapist, Eleni Karagianni, approaches the heroes of her book with humanity and sweetness.

Interview with Efi Zerva
The psychiatrist-psychotherapist, Eleni Karagianni, approaches the heroes of her book with humanity and sweetness.
Short stories where Literature meets Psychology. Human stories in which existential questions of life are posed and human relationships are approached in their difficulty, complexity and beauty. A mirror of interpersonal relationships where man recognizes his true face and longs to create a meeting place with the other's truth. Despite human imperfection, despite the enormous limitations of existence, despite the taste of death we experience every day, we are potentially Heaven for each other.
(more…)Life has no closed circles, but springboards to rush to new horizons. After 38 years as Director of an important Child Psychiatry Unit in the public space, with scientific knowledge, inspiration and respect for the human being we can now refer to an important scientific work, not with arrogance, but with the proud joy that any real difficulties did not they became an alibi for compromises, but vows to stubbornly defend the mental health of children, adolescents and their families.
Heaven is the people.
Provided we accept decay and human imperfection.
On the condition that we give up the fantasy of a Paradise that is free, that has no effort, that has no personal responsibility. Because then Heaven is fragile and others are in danger of becoming Hell.
Individual Heaven does not exist.
(more…)Support Groups | Discussion Topic: "Does Man Change?" | 18/6
The Support Groups they come again to Café IANOS in Athens. Hourly meetings on mental health issues and beyond, which concern us and make it difficult for us to manage them. The topic of this meeting is "Does Man Change?” and is based on his book of the same name Dimitris Karagiannis.
THE Dimitris Karagiannis is a child psychiatrist - psychotherapist, Director of the Child Mental Hygiene Center.
A few words about the meeting…
(more…)In the momentary glimpse that is our existence, we can love persons and things, we can create, we can through self-realization inspire life, despite the fact that death will claim us in the end. A prerequisite is the acceptance of the gift of freedom, which is at the same time the pain of uncertainty.
May 27-29 in Galaxidi, Partners of the "Antistixi" Therapeutic and Educational Institute, Existential Systemic Psychotherapists trained in "Antistixi" and new Trainee Psychotherapists meet in the context of lifelong training in a theoretical and clinical treatment of Existential-Systemic Psychotherapy.
May 27-29 in Galaxidi, Partners of the "Antistixi" Therapeutic and Educational Institute, Existential Systemic Psychotherapists trained in "Antistixi" and new Trainee Psychotherapists meet in the context of lifelong training in a theoretical and clinical treatment of Existential-Systemic Psychotherapy.
Friday, April 8, 2022 | Delphi Economic Forum | LIVING WITH INCERTITUDE at Megalo Kafeneio 1929
Two distinct personalities, the pathologist-nephrologist Antonis Langouranis and the psychiatrist - child psychiatrist Dimitris Karagiannis, will share the stage with the journalist Vicky Flessa who, in her unique way, will enrich, through their knowledge and experience, our perspective on modern
(more…)No one is free
as long as there are miseries.
Albert Camus
The Hellenic Confederation of Family Systemic Psychotherapists ETHOS we are shocked by the unacceptable invasion of Putin's troops in Ukraine and we express our absolute support to the Ukrainian families who are receiving the violent attack in their country, in their homes, in their lives.
The Athens Child Mental Health Center at 17 Epirou Street will host the photography exhibition of Mrs. Pattakou Katerina from March 20, 2022.
You are all invited to the opening on Sunday at 13.30.
On Sunday 7/11/2021 at 16.30-18.00 Dimitris Karagiannis participates in the Panhellenic Child Psychiatry Conference and coordinates the round table of the Center for Child Mental Hygiene on the topic: "The experience of trauma in the therapeutic relationship as a possibility of inclusion and existential movement"