The possibility of sharing in the miracle requires that we become children. But this cannot mean an ideological concession to palimpedestism.
That is, it cannot mean the opportunistic and temporary forgetting of the obligations we have as adults and our transformation into carefree children.
We cannot imagine that we will be able to have the naivety and ignorance of childhood. We cannot imagine that we will be able to have the carelessness of the absence of obligations that a child has during his school holidays. We cannot imagine that everyone will offer us their love unconditionally and that we will be the center of the world, as children feel.
To become children is to conquer regained innocence. It takes confidence to express your tenderness without being melodramatic. You need to have painstakingly cultivated your relationships to be able to feel intimacy and love that lasts.
It is necessary to have experienced the misery of individuality stealing your life, so that you do not live charity as an opportunistic good deed, but as a unique way to appreciate existence. It is necessary to have lived very intensely, in order to feel the restlessness that does not degenerate into boredom. It is necessary that you have lived whole, even though you knew all the tricks of dishonor, to build relationships of deep trust.
It is necessary to have given time to your personal preparation, so that the holiday can have an impact. It is necessary to have consistently lived your personal path in order to feel the fullness of joy covering your being, so that you do not wait for any pleasure to relieve you momentarily.