Couples Group Therapy

Couples Group Therapy
Young couples, who seek for a more functional way to relate, participate at the couples’ group therapy, where they are capable to process events and emotions, concerning the couple’s communication, the children’s upbrinking and their affiliation to their parental families.
Each couple is treated on the one hand as a unit and on the other as two separate persons as the personal development of each partner is also favored.
Each couple is seen as a unit and as two different persons as well, since the personal development of each partner is a main target.
While respecting and identifying the uniqueness of each couple, the quest for their original path is favored, with the helpful presence of the other couples’ evolution.
Couples’ group therapy is adressed at couples that share an indisputable commitment at their marriage and is managed by a couple of therapists.
Life is not an individual competition of self-assertion, but the team sport of relay.