
Educational Program Systemic Thought and Therapeutic Acting
Educational seminary which introduces the systemic view of family dynamics and human groups. It is addressed at mental health’s experts: Psychiatrists, Child-psychiatrists, Psychologists and Social workers. It lasts for two years, once a week
Training Program in Family Therapy
Antistixi is an accredited educational centre on systemic psychotherapy from European Family Therapy Association (EFTA) and is associated with the Greek Systemic Therapy Association (ELESYTH), Greek Systemic Thought Association (EESKEPSO) and Greek ETHOS.
Systemic Therapist Supervision
Group supervision in Existential Systemic Therapy, in the accredited from European Family Therapy Association (EFTA) training and therapeutic centre Antistixi, is the final step of the new therapists’ training.
Seminars of Life-Long Learning
The therapeutic and training Institute Antistixi consists of a living organisation in the mental health field. Targeting on the best possible care for the person and on the intergrated therapists’ training, is on a constant interaction with greek and international scientific organisations.
Seminars for Professionals in Education
Modern times are related with the new technology. Only one USB include all the information needed. and internet access can offer infinite information in every single matter.
Training Seminars Related to Business Management
The modern workplace can be a place to invest personal goals, a place of personal development and creation.
The emotional climate created in the workplace affects both the performance for the benefit of the company and the quality of life of the employee himself.